domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

Monday, 30th March.

Last week before Easter Hollidays!

Natural Science
Have you studied about plants? I am sure that you know a lot. Have you done the worksheet that we proposed last Thursday?
Today you can test yourself with the activities in your activity book that we haven't done.

Today we can learn something about robotics with the activities on page 74 of your book.

  1. Watch the video and think about the questions at the end. Activity 1, video

  2. Use your knowledge about technology in Activity 2 audio story
  3. Read and listen to the text, as many times as you need, and answer the questions in your notebook.
  4. This is an optional activity. If you feel creative, you can invent a robot. Tell us about it. You can use the questions in activity 4 as a guide. Please, record yourself speaking about the robot and send us the file!!

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